Hello Friends, I trust and pray that you are being blessed as we continue to learn that our Heavenly Father has Name. I hope that you are realizing the value that He places on His Name.
In Luke 6, the disciples would notice how Yahushua would get up early and pray and then he would go through the balance of the day, performing signs, wonders and miracles and delivering profound teachings. The disciples asked him to teach them how to pray. Yahushua taught them what is known as the Lord’s/Disciples Prayer.
The prayer is a prayer that almost every New Testament believer has learned by heart. It begins as such…
Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name…
I want to pause here for a moment at the word Name. What is our Heavenly Father’s Name? Almost every believer knows the prayer but very few people have investigated enough to know what our Heavenly Father’s Name really is.
Proverbs 30:4, The Scripture asks, what is His Name? The answer to the question is given to us in Exodus 3:13-15, when Moses asked The Eternal One, whom shall I say sent me? The Almighty said “I Am the Self Existing One”. In the original Hebrew that translates to YaHuWaH and The Eternal One goes on to say, that this is His Name to every generation.
Affirmation: Let us exalt His Name. Let us declare His Sovereignty. Let us proclaim and publish His Name, YaHuWaH, the Name above all names.
Love and shalom,
Dr. Ron Kenoly
Sharon Jones
July 05, 2016
Really blessed Ron by your message on Yahuwah. Just last week I began reading quite an old book, “The Bush is still Burning” by LLoyd John Ogilvie. What you wrote here tied in with what I am reading. Isn’t that just how God works? Anyway, just came on to see if I could pass something on to you. I enjoyed your work on The Ancient Of Days. As I was writing down the lyrics, the words took on the shape of a vase. I can’t sing the song quite like you, but I am creative and do other things, I guess. Hope this blesses you as much as your music blesses me! (That is if I can find a way to transfer it on to your page. It looses it’s shape when I copy and paste) Well, if you have time you are welcome to go onto my blog: amillionlightbulbs.blogspot.com and check it out. It’s the post titled: Ancient Of Days. I just get goose bumps even reading it. (O:
Rex Ageh
August 19, 2016
Awesome personality… so proud of you, sir.
Isaac Badu
September 05, 2016
Thank you very much Daddy. You have alway been my mentor
Pr. Christina And Rev. Roberto Pezet
October 21, 2016
Dr. Ron Kenoly, I would like to know, when do you think coming to Houston, Texas.
God Bless you.
October 23, 2016
Lovely to witness the Bride awakening to her hebrew groom, for He is coming soon. All over the world people are coming out of religion and lining up with the Word of YAHUAH. truly we have inherited lies, but by His Spirit and in His timing, we can study and rightly divide the Word. I grew up loving Ron’s music and appreciated his love for the worship of the Lord. So it’s a personal blessing to know that He is walking in the Way of the Almighty. It is affirming to know that we are on the right path, the pathway of the lovers of truth of our Might Elohim who calls us to know Him intimately.
Inez Lozada
April 28, 2017
Dr. Kenoly,
I came into the truth about four months ago, the truth has set me free. I am a bit overwhelmed at times with knowledge. I’m so thirsty for the truth. Scripture says my sheep hear my voice. Yahuwah has preserved me for such a time as this. I am no spring chicken 60 is on my heels. I am a worshiper and had been struggling with much of the music I had been listing to over the last thirty years. The worship is beautiful, Yahuwah led me to your website. I’ve seen you in concert in San Jose back in the day. You have encouraged me to continue to seek the truth. At times its a challenge with my family of course, they think I have lost my mind. That’s all I will say about that. Blessing my Hebrew Israelite King
Bekilizwe Mshanga
June 25, 2017
Shalom Ron!
I’m glad that you endeavor to worship Elohiym Adonai in the way He should be worshiped, and referring to Him and His Messiah by the proper names. I have also been studying very hard, learning new insights about our Creator all the time.
You will do well to note that not only was His name replaced, but also His laws and ordinances were replaced with the traditions of men. It is this day as it was at the time of Yahushuwah when religious men hungry for power and authority interpreted Yahuwah’s Word their own way.
The Law of Yahuwah is perfect, yet a lot of imperfection has creeped in. Of note is the claim that the 10 commandments (written by Yahuwah Himself and handed to Moshe) were replaced by two…
So saddening. The calendar has been changed hence distorting the observance of Sabbaths and new moons.
Please investigate these things further.
Marlarrie Smalls
August 03, 2017
The name of the Lord is above every name! Hallelujah!
August 10, 2020
Thanks for not only providing uplifting p&w music but educating us as well.